Do you want to be happier and live a more fulfilling life?

Would you like more mental clarity, confidence, and courageous energy to move you toward what you want in life?

Are you ready to shift your disappointments into triumphs and win an abundance of success?

Transformational Life, Relationship, and Recovery Coaching

If you answer yes to any one of the above questions, you're in the right place.

Hi, I am BJ. Martin-Terrell

an inspirational speaker, devoted educator, and transformational life coach. I delight in inspiring and empowering people who want to pursue their highest potential, achieve their goals faster, and live a life driven by purpose.

As your transformational life coach, I will guide you in designing a personal plan that helps you discover your strengths, overcome obstacles, and eliminate limiting beliefs.

Empower yourself with the knowledge and wisdom you need to regain your self-worth and values to connect with your highest and best self.

Learn more

Individual Coaching

Are you struggling with self-doubt? Are you stuck in a rut of depression? Are fear and anxiety overwhelming you? 

Do I Qualify for help?

Group Coaching

You are not alone in your struggle with depression, self-doubt, fear, and anxiety. According to the Anxiety & Depression Association of America, Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults which is 19.1% of the population.

How can I get help?

Coaching Testimonials

Working with BJ has been a fantastic experience. I surrendered old negative habits and limiting beliefs that kept me living a non-productive life. Being much of a skeptic and reluctant to do some coaching against my better judgment, I gave in because I felt disconnected and confused and did not know what to do. During the mentoring process, I gained mental clarity and gradually began noticing that my life was starting to transform. Today, I can say that I am a better woman, I've found my joy and peace of mind, and for that, I'm genuinely grateful for Coach BJ's help.

Thanks, BJ, for your constant motivational coaching and inspiration. Since my affiliation with this transformational coach, my outlook and intake on life have changed. I was going down a road of despair, drug, and alcohol addiction, and dealing with suicidal thoughts. I came to my senses and gave up my bad habits. And because of your coaching approach, encouragement, and support. I've learned a new perspective on self-love and self-compassion, which helped me go from destruction to a spectacular rebirth that improved my life tremendously.

You, BJ, can help people and guide them to a place of reassurance where the Lord God can help them overcome the enslavement of any situation that holds them captive. I will always be grateful for your help, and it is genuinely extraordinary to have you as a coach. When I was displeased and discouraged, the Higher Power empowered you to encourage me to have higher expectations and hope for a brighter future. And now, I can see more clearly through unfiltered eyes to tap into my God-given talents and gifts. 

Imagine waking up each morning filled with joy, inspiration, motivation, love, gratitude, and a general sense of well-being.

Boost your confidence and have a positive impact on your self-esteem.

Have you been feeling defeated? Do you have a lack of direction? Wondering when it will be your turn? Do you feel like life is passing you by?

I want to help you gain clarity and unlock insights needed to help you identify simple goals to transform your vision into the life you truly desire.


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